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About 'The Girls Room'

Started by Sandra, Nov, 12, 2023,

0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic.


On registration ALL members are automatically placed in the regular members group with full access to ALL Rooms with the ability to start a new thread, reply, ect.

One room IS hidden from regular members and that is 'The Girls Room' regular members will only have permission to access 'The Girls Check In. on a read only basis.

Regular members will have NO ability to start a new topic, reply, ect. or be able to see any topics in this hidden room.

Only girl members can apply to join this room by clicking on their username
(top left of the page) / My Groups / Request Membership.
Membership will then be pending until a moderator approves your request.

 (usually within 24 hours / often when moderators see a new girl member has register they will be added to the girls group immediately)

Once a girl is excepted into the 'hidden' girl group that member will then see ALL topics in that room and will have full access to All functions.

Girls can choose to remain as a regular member or apply to join the girls only group.

 (Boys will be refused approval to join the girls group)
You will get out what you put in, if you want more then post more.