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Posted by Sandra
 - May, 27, 2024,
Quote from: coachdb18 on May, 27, 2024, (ie starting up again with the same individual repetitively before calling it quits)

That's difficult to answer.
Posted by coachdb18
 - May, 27, 2024,
Also curious what experiences others may have had with multiple sessions during a single sexual encounter (ie starting up again with the same individual repetitively before calling it quits). One such memorable experience here, going back for a seventh time before going our separate ways. That wasn't usual, as going back for seconds hasn't been uncommon, but this girl was athletic as hell, and I had been training to run a couple marathons that year.
Posted by Cutekittyemily
 - May, 27, 2024,
Quote from: coachdb18 on May, 27, 2024, Hand - probably a hundred or so
Vaginal - around 50
Oral - Probably 75
Anal - Zero (no interest)

All females, not interested in guys. About 2 years after my divorce I went a little crazy, hadn't had any in about 5 years at that point. Nearly all of these were in a 4 year period. Realized at one point when I had had sex with three different women in one day, that I may need to pace myself a bit

Oh WOW!!
Posted by coachdb18
 - May, 27, 2024,
Hand - probably a hundred or so
Vaginal - around 50
Oral - Probably 75
Anal - Zero (no interest)

All females, not interested in guys. About 2 years after my divorce I went a little crazy, hadn't had any in about 5 years at that point. Nearly all of these were in a 4 year period. Realized at one point when I had had sex with three different women in one day, that I may need to pace myself a bit
Posted by Bayplay4u
 - May, 19, 2024,
Now.. 17, All women
Posted by bobby396
 - Apr, 26, 2024,
Hand: 5
vaginal: 8
Oral: 4
Anal: I did one woman that I also did vaginal with.I've done my current wife while she was passed out.I want a guy to take me now then I'll have done everything.

11 were female and 6 were male
Posted by Egg
 - Apr, 25, 2024,
I have no idea.
Posted by Sandra
 - Mar, 05, 2024,

Posted by Sexy
 - Mar, 04, 2024,
Posted by footlover42
 - Mar, 04, 2024,
It's "I don't remember" for me. If I had to give an estimate it would be, maybe around 40 or so. Mostly female, the few guys all when I was young, and only one (my wife) since we got married. Although I'd maybe like to renege on that (with her consent of course).