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Started by Sandra, Apr, 15, 2023,

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Do you agree with the proposal by the state's new media commission to require all adults searching for pornography to upload a passport and photo of themselves to verify their age?

11 (91.7%)
1 (8.3%)
I dont know.
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 11

Red Hedonist Joy

From electoral-vote dot com:
"Trump wrote that he would "root out the Communists, Marxists, Fascists, and Radical Left Thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our Country, lie, steal, and cheat on Elections, and will do anything possible, whether legally or illegally, to destroy America, and the American Dream. The threat from outside forces is far less sinister, dangerous, and grave, than the threat from within. Despite the hatred and anger of the Radical Left Lunatics who want to destroy our Country, we will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!" Got it?

Recently, Trump has also started talking about firing civil servants he considers disloyal and using the DoJ to prosecute his political opponents. He also believes in the unitary executive theory, which basically means the president has unlimited power over the entire Executive Branch and can fire anyone in the government just because he doesn't like them. He also believes the president has the authority to order any government official to do anything he wants them to do, laws be damned. Does he really mean it? Keep in mind what Maya Angelou said: "When someone shows you who they really are, believe them the first time."

Despite all the authoritarian rhetoric, not to mention 91 indictments, Trump keeps getting more popular by the day. What is going on? Is the media failing to inform people about what is going on? Maybe, but there is a bigger problem. Many people want something like a dictator. In a recent PRRI poll, people were asked if they agreed with this statement: "Because things have gotten so far off track in this country, we need a leader who is willing to break some rules if that is what it takes to set things right."

In that poll 48 percent of Republicans and 38 percent of the whole population agreed.
Radical Troublemaker


this truly must be near the pinnacle of the "WHAT THE FUCK" category!!   

I have never heard of this before now, and sort of wish I have never heard of this....
open to chat...  PM me


The United States has a system of laws, and the US Constitution and its amendments. 

To cancel the US Constitution as he has proposed, that proposal would have to go through Congress. 


Quote from: anonymousI was thinking of leaving Google because I can see more and more of my searches being filtered. I went to duckduckgo and it seemed a bit better until I wanted to see Hillary Clinton porn - In Google I get DECENT RESULTS but in DDG I get CRAPPY RESULTS. Safe Search is off on both search engines. Having porn images regardless of how stupid or fake they are filtered by default feels like my searching is being restricted and goes against what I thought DDG stood for. If I want to see fake pictures of Hillary Clinton spreading then that's what I want to see. I see this question came up about 5 months ago and somebody at DDG recognised the problem and said they would flag it - 5 months later and nothing has changed. It makes me wonder is there a decent search engine out there that won't filter my results!

Quote from: anonymousHas DDG implemented some kind of adult content filter?

I never use the Safe Search option, but suddenly the "adult" images do not show up anymore. Am I missing a setting or am I being censored?

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An inferno ripped through a 19th Century Georgian country hotel last night in Galway. The Ross Lake House hotel in Galway has not been used in a number of years, but was due to accommodate 70 asylum seekers this week. The fire broke out at approximately 11.35pm and nobody was inside the building when it was engulfed in flames. It comes just hours after protesters formed a blockade outside the entrance to the hotel in opposition to the Government's plans to house asylum seekers there. Fire services brought the fire under control and a technical examination of the site is set to take place later today.

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 Women are STILL expected to do most of the housework, while men do ten hours less each week, research finds.

Women still do more housework than men.

They spend around 10 hours a week more on household chores than men, according to a study of couples across the UK.

But the relative weight of your partner also affects how much housework you do - the slimmer you are compared to your partner, the more chores you do.

'There is a gender gap in housework as women devote almost 10 more hours a week in comparison to men,' say the researchers writing in the Review of Economics of the Household. 'We also find that a relatively higher BMI is associated with a smaller share of housework.'

The researchers tapped into a database of 10,300 people aged 18 to 65, living in around 5,000 homes across the UK. For their analysis, they used data collected from 3,331 couples.
Women still do more housework than men. They spend around 10 hours a week more on household chores than men, according to a study of couples across the UK.

Results show that men do 6.13hours of housework a week, while women put in 15.84hours.

The hours put in on chores were also found to be affected by the relative weights of the couple.

On average, the BMI (body mass index) of the men and women in the couples in the study was about the same - around 26. BMI is a measure of weight relative to height.

The researchers found that when one partner was heavier than the other, the less housework they did.

An increase of one unit in their BMI, leads to an eight per cent drop in the household indicator, a measure of the housework share.

The results held for couples where both man and woman worked, and for those where only one was employed.

The findings are at odds with a compensation effect theory, that people with what are perceived to be negative traits, such as greater weight, put in more effort to compensate.

Previous research has shown that higher-BMI spouses compensate their partners by increasing the amount of paid work. The researchers found no evidence that higher BMI partners did more paid work.

Just why heavier partners do less unpaid housework, and lighter ones do more, is unclear. It may, suggest the researchers, be simply be that chores are physically demanding.

'We find that a relatively higher BMI is associated with a smaller share of housework,' say the researchers from the University of Zaragoza, Spain.

'One may argue this compensating mechanism in marriage leads spouses with a higher BMI to do more housework when married to slimmer spouses than when married to spouses who are also overweight.'

They add, 'On the contrary, higher BMI may be related to less housework, since overweight and obesity are related to a decline in physical functioning, and household chores are physically demanding.'
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We love Christmas and having lots and lots of people here and I love cooking for them. That said my day will still start at 7.00am with a wank for at least an hour before wife gets up.


I expect at some point with friends I will get drunk and get naked  bananadance3#
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 Two Bibby Stockholm asylum seekers, 24 and 27, arrested on suspicion of 'sex attack on woman in nightclub'

Two migrants, 24 and 27, living on the Bibby Stockholm barge in Dorset have been arrested on suspicion of an alleged sex attack on a woman in a nightclub four miles away.
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We were promised Trump's vile America would be replaced with decency, normalcy and a family friendly neck-sniffer who would return us to kind tranquility.

Instead, we've been bombarded with White House dime bags, endless nude portraits of Hunter's 50 shades of crack engorgement, Rose Garden topless trans-activists and an open invite for anyone with a kink to exercise it on government property.

Senate building for an on-camera quickie before calling for the genocide of Jews – you know, all in the name of free expression.

The sick thing about this accelerated madness is the pathological inability of libertine pervs to take one single ounce of responsibility for their indiscretions.

Here was the statement this weekend from Cardin's randy right-hand-man: 'This has been a difficult time for me, as I have been attacked for who I love to pursue a political agenda.'

Who you love? Please!

You didn't make people barf their breakfast juleps because of 'who you love'; they're icked because this sordid Senate affair exposed you as an undisciplined, entitled, horrendously stupid and wildly disrespectful maniac.

Look, I know shame died a long, long time ago – but can't we stop feigning victimhood tarted up as an imaginary political witch hunt?

Angry Republicans did not tie you to that hearing-room chair to help Trump win Michigan. (Even if reports do say Red v. Blue fantasies are causing a boom in BDSM business).

This year has been an absolute dandy for fetishist freaks everywhere (I'm looking at you, Ms Strap-on Z-cuppies, transgender Canadian teacher Kayla Lemieux).

But from dirty drag in schools to public defecation and indecency, when will we say enough is enough?

I'm not suggesting we revert to a nation of pearl-clutching prudes. But my wish for the New Year is for a rediscovery of the appropriate compartmentalization and public-private delineation of adult life – instead of everyone just shooting everything out of a pornified confetti cannon and not caring where the debris falls.

Here's a thought: In 2024, I don't need to see the First Son's nude hiney.

Nor do I need to be told I'm a horrible person for suggesting the same seedy fellow shouldn't be gorging at the platter of corrupt foreign energy boards or cashing in on Commie connections.

But this is where we get to the butt of it all: If it's OK for the President's son to spend $870,000 on hookers and sex clubs while dodging his tax bill, why shouldn't every Tom, Dom and Dick launch up an OnlyFans side-hustle with lurid vids filmed in the self-same Senate room former FBI director James Comey gave his infamous Russian-interference testimony?

Hunter escapes accountability because of his 'addiction', fabulist George Santos says he's not white, and now the Senate sex-pest says his sexuality precludes him from criticism.
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Prince Andrew faces fresh legal battle over Jeffrey Epstein links: Duke 'invited former Goldman Sachs banker accused of £40million fraud and Libyan gun smuggler to royal residences'

Prince Andrew invited an alleged fraudster and a convicted gun smuggler to St James's Palace, according to court documents.
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New AI doom calculator can predict when you'll DIE and how much money you'll earn with 78% accuracy, study finds

A new machine learning algorithm predicts personality traits, lifetime income, and even lifespan based upon the details of a person's life.

Similar technologies for predicting life events and human behavior are already used today inside tech companies that, for example, track our behavior on social networks, profile us extremely accurately, and use these profiles to predict our behavior and influence us.

'This discussion needs to be part of the democratic conversation so that we consider where technology is taking us and whether this is a development we want.' 
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