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Started by Sandra, Apr, 15, 2023,

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Do you agree with the proposal by the state's new media commission to require all adults searching for pornography to upload a passport and photo of themselves to verify their age?

11 (91.7%)
1 (8.3%)
I dont know.
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 11


It's the same here in Canada as well so sad


Crossdressing perv who terrified elderly Scots women by flashing fake breasts fined

Scott Mathieson, 52, prowled the streets of East Kilbride under the cover of darkness dressed in women's clothing.

Scott Mathieson (Image)

A crossdressing engineer who left two women terrified after he was caught exposing a pair of fake breasts has been ordered to pay £1,500 compensation. Scott Mathieson, 52, prowled the streets of East Kilbride, Lanarkshire, under the cover of darkness dressed in women's clothing.

He repeatedly targeted a 73-year-old who spotted him on doorbell camera footage walking up to her front door and trying the handle. Mathieson returned weeks later and 'suggestively' flashed his chest and rubbed a breast with one hand.

He then shook the breasts before walking away. The pervert made a third visit where he was seen on camera peering in his victim's bedroom window and police were contacted but he could not be traced.

It emerged he had earlier targeted a 92-year-old woman by opening his jacket and exposing the artificial breasts. Police snared Mathieson weeks later after spotting him wearing a female body suit, dark wig and glasses.

Mathieson, of Bishopbriggs, Glasgow, appeared at Hamilton Sheriff Court and admitted a charge of stalking and another of threatening or abusive behaviour between June and September last year.
The court heard he had a lifelong interest in women's clothing and attends LGBTQ clubs to indulge in his fantasies.

He claims it helps him express himself but he still identifies as male and did not believe he was being watched by his victims. Depute fiscal Rebecca Clark said: "The complainers are both vulnerable women and he was trying the door handle of one of their properties.

"The conduct involved him cupping, rubbing and shaping the artificial breasts with his hand. From looking at them, they are not a genuine representation given that they are large with nipples protruding. This offence does involve some sort of deviance."

Gregor Jarrott, defending, said: "He totally accepts his conduct in respect of both charges and is aware his conduct would have caused a reasonable person fear or alarm. He first became interested in female clothing at the age of five which progressed and he now attends LGBTQ clubs where he dresses as a woman.

"There have been long standing identity issues but he does identify as a man and finds this is a way to express himself. There has been no breach of trust between parties and at no stage was there any contact between them and, as far as he is concerned, nothing was said between them.
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"He didn't know or think anyone was watching and he was deliberately doing this walking about at a time of night when he didn't think anyone would be about and it is his position that this is a private matter and an expression of himself."

Sheriff Louise Gallacher put him under supervision for two years as a direct alternative to custody. He was put on the sex offenders' register for the same period after it was ruled there was a 'significant' sexual aspect to his actions. Mathieson was ordered to pay £1000 to his first victim and £500 to the second.

Sheriff Gallacher told him: "This is a very serious offence committed over a three-month period where you exposed two elderly and vulnerable females to behaviour which caused them considerable fear and alarm and for one it has caused an adverse impact on her mental wellbeing.

"I have no hesitation in concluding this was done for your sexual gratification and that your behaviour indicates an underlying deviance from which society is entitled to be protected."

Prosecutors accepted a not guilty plea to a third charge which alleged Mathieson had caused an 67-year-old woman fear or alarm at her home in East Kilbride and looking in her windows in July last year.
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Should of started a conversation got to know her then after a while mention it? How I would of gone about it oh well. Nice cd pics love the cum shot x
Cock and vagina worshiper xo
My sissy name is Jessica I'm a good girl x
I'm male but please refer to me as a girl I want to be daddy's bitch x


Quote [Expand]Larry A Nelson

 The difference between crossdressing and being transgender?

I think the difference is subtle and there are some that may disagree with me. I have heard some folks argue that cross dressers are a subset of transgender people. However, I think it may be the other way around. From what I have read, transgender really refers to the feeling that someone is at least as comfortable or perhaps more comfortable acting, looking like, behaving, dressing and just plain living as their opposite gender. Transgender is really then, what an individual considers as their gender identity.

Some will argue that if a male consistently wears panties that he is transgender. He is trying to express as a woman. This is where I disagree. I think there are a significant number of people - mostly men I would say -who are very content with their male lives who simply like to get dressed up in women's clothing from time to time. Personally, I wear panties whenever I can. I enjoy underdressing wearing pant is, bra, camisole and pantyhose in cold weather and in the privacy of my home, I will wear all of the above with a slip and a dress. I would even consider going to a transformation studio and wearing a wig, makeup, jewelry, high heel shoes etc. just for fun. So I consider myself a cross dresser. But even with my many years of enjoying wearing women's clothing, I have never felt as if I was or wanted to be a woman. So I have never considered or wished that my gender was female rather than male so to me, the term transgender does not apply.
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Transsexual has had different meanings throughout time. In modern usage, it refers to "a person who desires to or who has modified their body to transition from one gender or sex to another through the use of medical technologies such as hormones or surgeries."

Within the transgender community, the term is a subject of debate, and it is sometimes considered an antiquated term.
The more widely preferred terms are transgender or the abbreviated form trans.

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I love questions like this, we may never know as they're all great! Caprice and Blue Angel are two that come to mind
Perv addicted to edging my leaking cock into a goon while drooling over porn.


Perv addicted to edging my leaking cock into a goon while drooling over porn.


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This I a subject that also interests me. I'd love to see one of my daughters or nieces being stretched by a guy in a professional way.
I'd like to see speculum being inserted and then cranked open gradually to open their cunts wide and left fully stretched for an hour or so before cranking it open a little more. I saw a horse speculum being used on a girl once so working up to that size would be ideal.



'Hundreds' of migrants arrive in Britain at the same moment nation pauses for Remembrance Sunday silence after first small boat Channel crossing in 11 days

After 11 days of calm weather with no arrivals, the flotilla of rubber vessels from France started again soon after 1am this morning.
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