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Started by Sandra, Apr, 15, 2023,

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Do you agree with the proposal by the state's new media commission to require all adults searching for pornography to upload a passport and photo of themselves to verify their age?

11 (91.7%)
1 (8.3%)
I dont know.
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 11



There are ten digital STIs that can harm your device when you're looking at adult content, according to computer security firm Kaspersky Lab.

These are:

1. Trojans – They might masquerade as innocent programs, but they carry a harmful payload.

2. Drive-by downloads - Cybercriminals look for insecure web sites and plant a malicious script into the code on the pages. These take advantage of any unpatched applications on your computer and infect them automatically

3. Click-jacking – Click-jacking involves tricking someone into clicking on one object on a web page while they think they are clicking on another. Clickjacking can be used to install malware, gain access to a victim's online accounts or to enable their webcam.

4. Tinder bots – These are automatic programs designed to masquerade as real people on a dating site to lure users into clicking on them, with the aim of tricking the victim into disclosing confidential data.

5. Cat-Phishing - This is when cybercriminals pose on dating sites or chat rooms, encouraging people to click on links for live sex chat or adult images.

6. Ransomware - Cybercriminals use 'blockers' to stop the victim accessing their device, often telling them this is due to 'illegal pornographic content' being identified on their device. Anyone who has accessed porn online is probably less likely to take the matter up with law enforcement.

7. Worm - This is a program that replicates, but does not write its code to other files: instead, it installs itself once on a victim's device and then looks for a way to spread to other devices.

8. Pornware – This could be a legitimate program, but might be adware installed by another malicious program, designed to deliver inappropriate content to the victim's device.

9. Spyware - Software that enables an attacker to secretly obtain information about the victim's online activities and transmit it covertly from their device.

10. Fake Anti-virus - Fake anti-virus programs prey on people's fear of malicious software which they believe may have been installed whilst looking at porn.
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    Of the 13.8 million Britons who watch porn, a fifth do so during the workday
    More people visit porn sites from 9:00am to 5:30pm than any other time

Some people have been getting a bit too comfortable working from home, according to a new report.

The report, by Ofcom, reveals that a fifth of Britons admit to watching porn during office hours.

Of the 13.8 million people who watch porn online, more do so between 9:00am and 5:30pm than at any other time of the day.

And it isn't just a quick session - people watching porn in the work day spend 55 minutes on adult sites on average.

Pornography watchers are overwhelmingly male, with men making up 73 per cent of the total, according to the report.
A fifth of all people who watch pornography in the UK admit to doing so during the hours of 9:00am to 5:30pm

Work hours were actually the most popular time for people to visit porn sites, closely followed by the middle of night into early morning

The least popular time for Britons to access adult content was between 5:30pm to 7:59pm, with only 13 per cent visiting sites during this time.

However, Ofcom says it can't be certain whether this behaviour is due to an increase in working from home as it does not have data from previous years to compare against.

According to Pornhub, the UK had the second highest amount of traffic to the site of any country apart from the United States.

The report said: 'Twenty-nine per cent (13.8 million) of UK online adults accessed a pornographic content service in May 2023, and reach has remained relatively stable year on year.'

Ofcom also points out that more adults were accessing the highest-reaching porn sites in 2023 than in 2022.

Five of the top 10 porn sites say their number of visitors grew by at least 10 per cent, with OnlyFans seeing its user base grow by almost 20 per cent year on year.
Ofcom says they can't be sure if this pattern is due to a rise in working from home as there is no data from previous years to compare with.

Overall, men were three times more likely than women to access pornography online.

However, erotic fiction sites were proportionately used at a much higher rate by women than men.

The Ofcom report also found that hentai, which the authors describe as 'a sub-genre of anime or manga comprising sexually explicit anime and manga content', was predominantly accessed by young men on desktop or laptop computers.

The audience of hentai, which was the third most popular search term on Pornhub globally in 2022, was 89 per cent male and was most popular among 18-24 year-olds.
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As Brucie used to say

"Do we think its higher than a fifth?"
If its dressed like a slut, and its made up like a slut, then it's a slut and i'll wank to it


One star of TLC reality show Sex Sent Me to the ER was left red-faced after getting his sausage stuck between a rock and a hard place while seducing his partner

One bloke ended up rushed to hospital in the middle of doorway sex with his partner – after his member ended up stuck in a 'glory hole'.

Erik and Katie appeared on TLC reality show Sex Sent Me to the ER to discuss their raunchy mishap, which started with Erik taking some enhancements ready for a marathon session in the bedroom. The idea for a 'glory hole' came when Erik was doing some DIY around the house.

He explained on the show: "I had to cut a really small hole because of course Katie has to have a vintage door knob.. As I was looking at the new door knob hole I had an amazing idea."

Erik went ahead and posted his cock through the slot for Katie to "play with". She said: "I was surprised by how turned on I was.
I was playing with him through the door hole and I got so excited that I just said we should have sex right now through the door."

Sadly, Erik turned out to have taken too much of his enhancing supplement, and his member swelled to an uncomfortable degree. He said: "My penis is stuck in this door hole and I've never been in more excruciating pain in my entire life.

"I was incredibly shocked at how large my penis had grown," he added. Katie then attempted to help him oil up his member using olive oil, shampoo and butter, but nothing worked, and she was forced to call an ambulance.

She confessed: "When I saw my boyfriend's penis turning purple I was just thinking he might just lose his penis." Paramedics were forced to cut around the hole and take part of the door with them to the hospital for safe removal. Erik said he was "really embarrassed" by the whole mess.

The door had to be cut out and taken to the hospital with him.

If paramedics had been slower to act, Erik could have lost all circulation in his penis – likewise if he'd waited for the pills to wear off. He said: "It's really hard to keep up with Katie's amazing sex drive."

Elsewhere on the show, one woman had to head to A&E after being unable to stop orgasming for four hours in a "physically, emotionally and mentally taxing experience".
An hour and a half into the orgasm, Liz attempted to call things off with her partner Eric, but couldn't stop.

Not even a large glass of red wine or antihistamines did the trick, and she was heading to hospital. Just as medics began to write a prescription for valium, the orgasm stopped after more than four hours.

She said on the show: "At first, it was just sheer disbelief.
I didn't believe it and I was afraid that it was going to start right back up." The problem did return, forcing Liz to take daily medication to stop the debilitating orgasms.

Liz commented: "Initially, it was just like after sex, and then it got to the point where I would be doing whatever – watching TV, walking down the street – and I would have an orgasm out of the blue. I would have as many as 12 spontaneous prolonged orgasms in one day.

"I got down to where I was having them only daily, and then I was having them only every other day, and then it was about once a week, and then maybe it was about once a month."
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National Grid ESO is activating its first test event for the Demand Flexibility Service this winter tonight
Households could earn money off their energy bills, if they cut electricity usage this evening.

Some 1.4 million businesses and households have so far signed up to take part in the service, known as the Demand Flexibility Service, which aims to manage electricity supply through periods where margins are tight.

Eligible customers could be rewarded if they shift their electricity usage to outside of the window tonight, on November 29.

Tonight's test event will be staggered across providers, with some asked to participate between 5-6pm and others between 5.30pm-6.30pm.

The full list of domestic energy suppliers which have signed up to the scheme are:

    Axle Energy Ltd
    British Gas
    CarbonLaces Solutions Ltd
    Chameleon Technology (as Ivie)
    Easee UK Ltd (via Axle Energy Ltd)
    E.ON Next Energy Ltd
    Foxglove Energy Supply Ltd T/A Outfox the Market (via SMS – Solo Energy Ltd)
    GivEnergy (via Axle Energy Ltd)
    100 Green (via SMS – Solo Energy Ltd)
    Good Energy (via SMS – Solo Energy Ltd)
    Hildebrand Technology Ltd
    Hugo Energy App (via SMS - Solo Energy Ltd)
    Loop (via SMS - Solo Energy Ltd)
    Octopus Energy
    Ohme (via Axle Energy Ltd)
    OVO Energy
    Passiv UK (via SMS – Solo Energy Ltd)
    Perse Technology Ltd
    Power Rewards App (via Orange Power Ltd)
    Scottish Power (via Equiwatt)
    Shell Energy Retail (via SMS - Solo Energy Ltd)
    SMS (Solo Energy Ltd)
    SolarEdge Technologies (via SMS – Solo Energy Ltd)
    Uswitch Ltd (via Hildebrand)
    Utilita Energy Ltd
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Homeowners who refuse to replace their gas boilers with heat pumps on environmental grounds could face financial penalties, according to new proposals in Scotland.

Scottish residents could be taxed using council tax and Land and Buildings Transaction Tax (LBTT) – the Scottish equivalent to stamp duty – to "promote behavioural change".

The proposals have been outlined in a task force report ahead of a Scottish government consultation which will be launched this week.

Homeowners will need to replace boilers with systems that do not burn fossil fuels.
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I love doing cam wanks with fellow horny guys. Really would love to cam with girls again but so hard to find them. Being bi I love wanking with guys both online and in person


The singer has suffered from a number of health problems over the years

Shane MacGowan has died at the age of 65 - just days after his wife marked their five-year anniversary with a series of sweet snaps on social media.

The Pogues singer was born on Christmas Day in 1957 and is arguably best known for the band's classic festive-time hit Fairytale Of New York, featuring Kirsty MacColl.
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Quote from: Sandra on Nov, 30, 2023, [Expand]The singer has suffered from a number of health problems over the years

Shane MacGowan has died at the age of 65 - just days after his wife marked their five-year anniversary with a series of sweet snaps on social media.

The Pogues singer was born on Christmas Day in 1957 and is arguably best known for the band's classic festive-time hit Fairytale Of New York, featuring Kirsty MacColl.

To be honest, I'm surprised he made it to 65. Sad though
If its dressed like a slut, and its made up like a slut, then it's a slut and i'll wank to it


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It is, yes, but the lifestyle he led makes it a good age
If its dressed like a slut, and its made up like a slut, then it's a slut and i'll wank to it


QuoteA WARNING has been issued over drinking tap water excessively after it was revealed it could be linked to some health issues.

Hardwater areas can be particularly harmful after long exposure - leading to some digestive issues and itchy scalp, according to experts.

Residents can keep an eye out if they taste a strong mineral taste in their water, they are advised to use water softeners.
Prolonged exposure to hard water can result in digestive issues and itchy scalps which can make the problem uncomfortable to live with.

Some germs and chemicals can also get into the water supply potentially causing health problems.

Does tap water contain hormones?
That's quite possible. Steroid hormones, such as oestrogens and testosterone, can end up in the surface water via wastewater. Water companies treat this water, after which it will flow out of your tap. The water may still contain traces of hormones.

QuoteFemale hormones (oestrogens) in particular may be present in drinking water.
These hormones are found in birth controls pill and other medication and women excrete them in their urine. After a visit to the toilet, the hormones are flushed down and end up in the sewage system.
Unfortunately, sewage treatment plants are not able to filter all medicine residues – such as hormones – out of the wastewater.
This means that the contaminated water ends up in the surface water, one of the primary sources of water for water companies.

And that's how these hormones will eventually flow out of your tap.

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